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Insights Explorer, new no-code feature for faster analysis in NeuroBlu Research

August 8, 2022

Uncover actionable insights with no-code Insights Explorer feature

1. Obtain faster insights into the NeuroBlu database — without ever writing a line of code. Now, you can generate summary statistics of populations and outcomes with just a few clicks.

2. Save time in discovery by utilizing dashboards with interactive filters to access pre-defined use cases pertinent to your research study and gain insights that help streamline collaboration with your team. For example, without performing any lines of code, you will be able to make decisions on the following:

  • Decide if the datasets within NeuroBlu are suitable for your research study.
  • Identify the right cohort inclusion and exclusion criteria for your research study.
  • Craft an appropriate research protocol for your research study.

3. Conduct guided studies through a no-code interface to generate exploratory analysis and learn about how to structure studies in a robust and reproducible way. Potential studies that you will be able to perform include:

  • Generate a cohort comparison and effectiveness study based on variables required in your research.
  • Quantify and demonstrate the impact of utilization of a specific drug compared to a competitor.
  • Analyze prescription patterns to guide the organization’s strategic business decisions to increase uptake.

4. Strengthening the evidence blueprint for behavioral health, Insights Explorer will continue to expand with customizable research use cases that can be accessed through visual data applications and shared with teams.

Explore NeuroBlu

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