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Improved search experience and download visualizations

February 4, 2022

Find relevant information quickly

You can now use tags to filter search results and view results that are relevant. We have also added keywords to articles so that you can search using words like ‘MDD’ and see relevant search results. These features are now available in Help and Data Documentation.

Download cohort visualizations

You will be able to download visualizations of cohorts created by you and use the downloaded images to document your research.

Other feature enhancements

  • Improved search in Cohort Builder and Category Mapper. You can now view the category name associated to the drug and diagnosis when searching for them. Additionally, categories containing drugs and diagnoses that are relevant to your search are displayed within the search results for ease of selection.
  • You can easily view the description of what each column of data is about within Data Explorer.

Explore NeuroBlu

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