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NeuroBlu reaches pivotal 4 million patient milestone with v3.6

November 16, 2023

We are elated to announce that NeuroBlu v3.6 now has over 4 million patients, a historic milestone in light of our mission to create the world's largest real-world evidence platform for behavioral health. With the addition of a new data partner, our patient count has increased by 170%, from 1.5 to over 4 million.

The NeuroBlu Database is now even more representative of the US population than ever before - this data addition includes facilities across seven states staffed by more than 500k providers, bringing the total number of providers in NeuroBlu to 1 million. Within each state, these facilities are among the most prominent mental-health-focused treatment centers and deliver comprehensive care outside mental health. This new data encompasses patients treated in multiple care settings for behavioral health - inpatient, outpatient, and primary care.

This graph highlights the increase in visit counts across 2013 - 2023 from NeuroBlu v3.5 to v3.6. In 2023, the visit count increased from 3,946,763 to 24,597,755.

This addition has not only doubled the size of the NeuroBlu Database but is complete with a sizable amount of structured data for each patient, including prescription and treatment history and key outcome measures across disorders in behavioral health. This new dataset contains over 173 million visit occurrences, 284 million drug exposures, and 777 million item-level measurements. This is also the first time that NeuroBlu contains structured scales capturing PTSD symptomatology, indicating this dataset represents facilities that take an evidence-based approach to treating mental health.

In addition, Cohort Explorer now includes PHQ-9 and QIDS, CGI-S, GAF, C-SSRS, and MSE as outcome variables within the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Users can now specify the minimum number of PHQ-9 and QIDS measurements in a cohort of interest within a specified duration of time, e.g., index date.

Holmusk works with data partners to continually integrate new data and update existing data to optimize data density and volume. Our team also collaborates with life sciences and academic partners to enhance analytic capabilities in NeuroBlu and accelerate behavioral health research.

This landmark version of NeuroBlu signals a turning point in evidence generation for behavioral health. NeuroBlu v3.6 is not simply more data; it is a transformational analytics tool to explore a richer, more representative, and diverse real-world mental and behavioral health dataset.

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